St. Cuthbert's Church Choir
St. Cuthbert's Church has long enjoyed a tradition of excellence in choral music. Our choir is made up of a dedicated group of friendly and skilled musicians, who provide music for regular Sunday worship and special services. We are proud to encourage each other and nurture new talent, with many of our young choristers staying with us into adulthood, or going on to study and have careers in music.
Choir practices are held every Friday evening from 6:30-7:30pm. Younger members of the choir meet at 6pm for additional vocal coaching and choir training, in a safe, fun and relaxed setting, with the interim Director of Music - a fully qualified secondary music teacher. The choir term generally conforms to school term dates, with the exception of Christmas and Easter, when the choir provides music until the completion of services on these two festival days.
There is a strong sense of community within the choir. Members enjoy the opportunity to relax and have fun regularly by having a meal together following the Sunday morning service or having a 'Pizza Night' following choir practice on a Friday evening. On these occasions, games are played and songs from musicals are sung around the piano.
New members, both children and adults, are always welcome. For further information, please contact us.

Visiting Choirs & Organists
St. Cuthbert's Church Choir is on holiday for a few Sundays during the year. These generally coincide with school holidays. We would like to extend an invitation to any visiting choirs and/or organists to come and perform. For further information on how you can visit St. Cuthbert's and help with music for worship, please contact us.